Phone Scam Alert!

(215) 445-2005 is an Energy Utility Robocall

Be cautious.

  • Listen
  • Transcript Hello? Hello? Yeah, hi, my name is Daniel Williams. I'm the senior manager from Pico, your electric company. How are you doing today? Can you hear me? Hello? Are you okay? Was saying you that since I've been sending you the electric bills every month. What do you mean by that? Hello? Do what? Can you hear me now? Can. How? Can you hear me now? Remember? Hello?
  • Date Blocked
  • Call Activity Low Last detected 7 months ago

Just last week, 8,277 people got Nomorobo protection!

We can finally have dinner again as a family without being constantly interrupted by unwanted calls. The frequency of call is drastically reduced, and when the phone rings 9 of 10 it is a call we are happy to take. It has restored faith in the phone as a means of communication, rather than an annoyance.

Love it! I keep my landline since I have had it 30 Years and those robo calls are so annoying. I put nomorobo on my 83 year old mothers phone and now she no longer gets upset when she answers the phone. We all know that when the phone rings it will only ring once the majority of the time

I am selecting 10 because I am assuming it is working as advertised. One of the problems with something like Nomorobo is that there really isn't a control to tell how well it is working. I am pretty sure I am still getting robocalls, certainly around the elections and at other times. What I don't know is how many less I am getting because of Nomorobo. I think ti is a great idea and I hope it is working as advertised. The only way I could no for sure is if I did not get any of these calls and I do not think that is the case.

I have told nearly everyone I know about Nomorobo. Never have I found an application that does what it says it will with such perfection! Absolutely outstanding. And such satisfaction on our end!

For my wife and me, it's an invaluable service. We are bombarded by robocalls, and Nomorobo filters them out very effectively. Thank you, thank you!

I think it was really, really great during this past political season....

The highest compliment is to say it does EXACTLY what it claims to do. It stops scammers DEAD. Thank you!

Has been working great Wouldn't be without it

The number of frustrating robocalls is exploding, but there are more options than ever to fight back
Nomorobo is an excellent service and worthy of our Editors' Choice award.
It's a problem that gets worse every year...but a new website promises to change all that. without that nuisance we know as robocalls has a nice ring to it.
A groundbreaking solution to the problem...I'm positive it's going to work.
If you have a phone, you probably get robocalls...but relief may soon be available...
...there is little you can do to stop them...but new technology [is] coming soon...
...propose[d] some high-tech strategies to finally stop automated sales calls.
Is there a hero among us who can rise up and build something to foil the dreaded robocall?
...may have solved one of the perpetual annoyances of living in the telephone age.
Robo-calls, meet the terminator.
...those illegal prerecorded messages hawking everything from timeshares in the Bahamas to free money.