Just last week, 8,261 people got Nomorobo protection!

I think it's great!
— Henry R, Nov 29th, 9:22am
Thanks for making Nomorobo an important and useful option. It is a shame that Verizon (Mid Atlantic Maryland) no longer provides a similar service as they once did.It seems the phone company has a preference in favor of commerical interests over residential customers regarding robocall blocking. I have benefited by the 'one ring cut-off' of robocallers but wish it was a "no-ring". You provide a customer service that easily surpasses the phone company or government protection against such increasing intrusions on privacy.
— Jeff W, Nov 29th, 9:46am
Oh my goodness! Those endless calls were driving me nuts! Time Warner Cable recommend I sign up at Nomorobo.com. Thanks!!
— Jan, Nov 29th, 9:50am
Great! I love it!
— Paul B, Nov 29th, 9:52am

I have had it for a long time and I can't tell that it's done anything. I still get up to ten robocalls a day.
— Walt H, Nov 29th, 10:27am
i LOVE it! it has made a huge difference in the amount of calls that are unwanted. thank you aaron!
— Nancy M, Nov 29th, 12:06pm
I love it. The instant I signed up the calls were significantly reduced
— Chuck L, Nov 29th, 12:09pm
Just works! Thank you,thank you,finialy peace at dinner time!
— Tim, Nov 29th, 12:56pm